Auction Catalog

Displaying items 1 - 12 of 50 in total

$10 Gift Certificate

Champion Chicken

Dining in restaurant

Dining in restaurant

Dining in restaurant

$100 Gift Certificate

Ricardo's Pizza

$20 Bakery Gift Certificate

Elegant Farmer

$20 Gift Certificate

Dick's Sporting Goods

$20 Gift Certificate

Yo Mama's

$20 Gift Certificate

Boulder Junction

$20 Gift Certificate

Point Burger Bar

$200 Gift Certificate

Mo's Irish Pub

$25 Gift Certificate

Stonefire Pizza

2 Admission Ticket to the Zoo

Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens

2 Clip'N Go Climbing Passes

Adventure Rock

Gift certificate for 2 participants to have access to the Clip'N Go program.

Gift certificate for 2 participants to have access to the Clip'N Go program.

Gift certificate for 2 participants to have access to the Clip'N Go program.

2 Free Games of Open Bowling

Village Bowl